I enjoyed this, as always with this author, but these books do become a little samey after a while. The heroine engrossed in her scientific endeavours, the hero enamoured right from the start but with misunderstandings… this was a sweet romance, but not particularly dramatic.
Here’s the premise: Abigail, the youngest of the sisters featured in this series, is interested in astronomy, so it’s a real thrill when her uncle, Lord Longmore, invites her to assist with a star chart he’s compiling. The other person assisting him is William, Viscount Rochvale, the heir to an earldom, who takes a shine to Abigail almost from their first meeting. But he can’t court her properly when they’re spending so much time watching the stars together (and at night, too!), and there’s a complication: his cousin, Gerald Burnby, appears to be courting Abigail too, and he’s a charming and handsome man with a way with the ladies. And then there’s the mysterious Roman urn that appears in the attic and is then stolen…
As always with this author’s work, I like the hero very much. Her heroes all seem to be cut from the same cloth – sensible, unostentatious men who know what they want but aren’t always articulate enough to convey that clearly to the heroine. Her heroines, likewise, are serious about their scientific pursuits, to the extent of not even considering marriage as a possibility. I confess, much as I enjoy these books, and the author’s writing is always wonderful, I would enjoy them a little more if they surprised me now and then. But that’s just me.
If I have a grumble at all about this book, it’s the usual complaint of the last in the series – a lot of loose ends to be tied up and a grand family reunion sweetened with a very large dose of sugar, which felt just a tiny bit unnecessary. But it all works as a sort of series epilogue, for those who like that sort of thing. For anyone looking for a traditional read with the addition of some historical detail, these books are highly recommended. Four stars.
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